Chairman’s Message



Education is among the oldest and the most vital parts of human praxis. What carries us through our life is our ability to learn, to grow, to change and evolve possibilities for ourselves. With this thought we endeavor to develop individuality with quality education. An education which prepares children not just for careers, but for life. Transfer of knowledge can never be the purpose of education ,the purpose is to guide the learning process and to put responsibility for developing competencies and attitudes amongst children.

Under the aegis of the illustrious GD Goenka Schools, the institution is governed by the ‘Dayanand Progressive Educational Society’


I believe that each child is
  • heir of the past
  • children of the present and
  • makers of the future
Ms. Rima C. Ailawadi
Ms. Rima C. Ailawadi


Principal’s Message


“If my school was a shape I would take a prism , then you can shine through it and see all the colors of CHILDHOOD “

No feeling is permanent. There is constant oscillation between the positive and the negative. The canvas of school life is full of diverse hues of expressions and emotions. Amidst this diversity we strive to understand and mould the child to develop multiple intelligence.

Raising and chiseling a thinking child is balancing enquiry with the advocacy which helps the child climb up the ladder of influence with its own thinking process. To achieve this, instead of transmitting the skills and values, we follow the generative model where learning is both about content and process. The retention and understanding thus paves way for value based quality education.


Let us together create pathways for our children connecting local to global.