Earth Day Celebration Grade: Nursery
“Go green and make the Earth a beautiful place to live.”
Earth day is being celebrated around the World to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our Mother Earth. A weeklong celebration was conducted at G D Goenka Public School Model Town Junior from 17th April 2023 to 21st April 2023 to sensitize our little Goenkans about their environment.
Day 1
“We only have one Earth, let’s take care of it” Mother nature always fosters us and never harms us. Children were introduced to our planet Earth through Globe activity (Montessori). This activity helped the students to understand and gain knowledge about the place where we live.
Day 2
“Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known” Caring for the environment means doing things that will keep the Earth healthy. Discussion about trees, plants and nature was taken up. Children enjoyed doing leaf printing activity to make a class tree.
Day 3
“A small step makes a big difference” Nature is a precious gift to Earth. She is always nurturing us with all our needs. Children were encouraged to do their bit by taking measures like turning off the lights, saving water, use of dustbin and growing more trees etc. Finger printing activity in Earth craft was conducted.
Day 4
“What we save, saves us.” A special assembly was conducted for Grade Nursery students with a series of rhymes and activities. They were sensitized towards their duties towards ‘Mother Nature’ and some significant contributions that they can adopt to make the Mother Earth happy. A puppet show was organized by the teachers for our tiny tots to convey the message of keeping the surroundings clean and tidy, followed by an activity which allowed them to choose healthy habits to keep our Mother Earth Happy. The children enjoyed the sing along session of the rhyme “Bits of paper.” The assembly was culminated with the National Anthem and the idea to show kindness towards Mother Earth.
Day 5
“Go Green to keep this Earth clean” Our continuing efforts in our everyday lives will make this beautiful planet thrive. Keeping this in mind and to make surroundings green, our tiny tots of Grade Nursery did sow a seed activity to create their own Goenkan kitchen garden and took a pledge to nurture it. Children were happy to carry ‘Go Green’ take away head band craft. As the world is going through tough times, let’s pledge together to save this Earth with best practices.